Our Consultancy

Kaylan Consultancy (Dallas) / Kaylan, LLC (Wyoming) is a US based consultancy with an office in Chicago, specializing in packaging, consumer centric innovation and product strategy. We have experience in automotive, appliance, and packaging industries.

We run projects globally, and through our professional network, we have access to professionals in Europe and in Asia, in addition to professionals in North America.

Our Mission and Our Beliefs Regarding Innovation

We do not use focus groups, or traditional market research, consumer panels, or even an occasional lead user. We do not believe in asking consumers what they need in a focus group, or in a market research activity. Instead, we believe in going into their homes or environments where they are purchasing and consuming products, and ethnographically observe what drives their decisions, and why. For this reason, we also perform in-context product testings with our concepts.

You may have heard that what consumers say, what consumers do, and what consumers think are three different things. If that is the case, (we certainly think so), then observing them in their ethnographic environment is the shortest path to discover what they are truly thinking.