We have experience in M&A specific to the packaging industry.
- Brief or detailed business, market, technology or overall industry analysis.
- Executive training for specifics of the industry.
- Positioning papers.
- Complete due diligence support on business, supply and demand side.
- Deal and transactional support.
We have some of the most respected M&A professionals in the industry, widely recognized for their outstanding track record in bringing private equity together with companies to achieve results bigger than the sum of its parts.
We are not only strong on the analytical front with our unique and proprietary tools, but we are also pragmatic in getting the job done. We are comfortable working side-by-side with senior executives in dynamic and high time-pressure environments. We excel in managing liquidity, risk and opportunity, and keeping open & clear communications with our process partners.
While we’re M&A experts, we are also business executives with skill-sets to match.